Best gaming headsets

The Best Gaming Headsets in 2024

A good gaming headset can make a huge difference in not just your gaming experience but also your performance. Just as using one of the best PC speakers can enhance your audio experience, a gaming headset can do so several times better. Ever wondered how professional gamers are well aware of their surroundings in fast-paced…

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The Best Gaming Mouse in 2024

There’s no debate about the mouse’s ability that provide you with immense control over your system. Even the best gaming controllers can’t get this level of control on your computer, making the mouse the number one choice for serious and professional gamers. Not having the best gaming mouse on your desk means throttling your performance…

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The Best SSDs in 2024

SSD or Solid State Drives have successfully replaced traditional mechanical hard drives in recent years. As more and more PC builders are opting for this smaller and faster drive, newer and faster SSDs are emerging in the market. Not having the best SSD on your computer means limiting your system’s potential. SSDs have not only…

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The Best PC Cases in 2024

Owning the best PC case eases your system’s upgradeability drastically and in 2024, there are countless PC cases that promise to do so. However, many of them often bring a flawed design that limits you in one way or another. A PC case isn’t just an enclosure that hosts your system, but it’s something that…

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The Best CPU Coolers in 2024

Building a computer using one of the best gaming CPUs but without using one of the best CPU coolers can significantly limit your PC’s performance. CPU coolers exist not only to provide better thermals but also to increase your CPU lifespan. Buying an aftermarket CPU cooler has become crucial these days, since newer CPUs are…

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